
Chevy electric cars are dominating the sales market. There’s no question why — they’re fuel efficient, environmentally responsible, and deliver your best ride yet. Despite this, many vehicle owners feel caught between the world of gas-powered vs. electric cars, especially with the wide range of options available from both camps.

Today, we’re here to offer you expert considerations to think about before you make your swap to Chevy electric cars. Read on to learn more.

Know the costs of a Chevy electric car

Chevy electric cars often cost far less than gas-powered vehicles over time, despite the initially higher-than-gas-car price tag.

Our tip? Anticipate the possible “sticker jump” as you shop. Then, consider the long-term benefits and financial gains of an electric vehicle (EV).

To start, you’ll be saving less on gas. Battery recharges cost about $60 per month, on average, if done at home, per the Department of Energy. This pales in comparison to the hundreds of dollars per month most drivers spend to fuel gas vehicles, which can add up over time.

Your EV is likely associated with significant tax benefits and credits as well, such as the federal Clean Vehicle Credit (which can range between $3,750-$7,500 in value alone) and any relevant state utility incentives.

Understand the “lay of the land”

Many considering switching to an electric vehicle have to consider the availability and quality of local infrastructure. Common questions heard in the Chevy auto body of customers include:

  • Will there be enough charging stations outside of my service area?
  • What happens if I run out of charge?
  • What does the current landscape of available chargers look like?

We’ll settle most of these questions right here, in this post. Infrastructure is rapidly expanding across the United States. The Department of Energy notes that there were over 53,000 charging spots in the country in 2023, with thousands of more being built in 2024. You can find spots near your work, military bases, or any of the multiple public charging stations around your town.

Considering Chevy hybrid cars or electric models?

If you’re considering making an upgrade, we want to help. Connect with us today at New Rochelle Chevrolet for more information about available options and Chevy financing. It’s our pleasure to serve you!